Author: stephanie

SmartCat Peek And Play Toy Box

Cats love sticking their paws in holes, and the Smartcat Toy Box has got lots of them to choose from! It’s essentially a wooden box with holes cut into it, into which you can drop balls, treats, pom-poms … anything...

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Cat Harness

When you live in a crowded city you don’t want to worry about what might happen to your cat if you let it out to play. With so many dangers out there, including other cats, cars and stray dogs, you’d be forgiven for...

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Cat Trees

A cat tree is a great toy for your cat as it serves two important functions. One is that it gives your cat something to climb and jump on, and the other is that it gives them something to sharpen their claws on instead of your...

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Cat Collar

A cat collar is a must if you want your kitty to stand out from the crowd. Coloured, furry, diamond-encrusted – almost anything is possible. Just choose the collar that matches your cat’s character, or just get them...

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Hi, my name is Stephanie and I'd like to say welcome to

This is a site that's all about Kitty Toys and accessories, and the experiences of our team of expert reviewers Arthur and Kitty (those cute kitties you see below).

We hope you enjoy your visit and find some useful ideas to entertain your favourite kitty.

The Reviews Team

Arthur Arthur Kitty Kitty